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Location: chico, california

07 June 2005

honey, I want you to make some friends this summer, lots of them

I often wish that summer vacation still held the same sort of magic that it did when I was younger. Of course, I no longer have anything to vacation from (except for life...but I am putting that off for a while), but that's not the point. Most of the time, I would rather be ten years old than twenty...fifteen rather than twenty-five...and seventeen most of all. But I am cursed. A boy trapped in an older boy's body.

When most guys run into their mid-life crises and start banging girls other than their wives, they often spend a great deal of time reflecting on their childhood summers (and buying expensive sports cars). Most of those suckers probably wish that they could still take vacations as eternal as a ten year old kid's summer vacation. But that is where old people are misguided. Summer vacation is still pretty much the same length as it has always been (except for snow days or whatever). The difference is that people no longer know how to have fun by just doing nothing. Summer for a child is not long or endless by any means...but it is certainly epic. Hell, kids can play with sticks and dirt, and have more fun than some dude carrying around a mortgage and a dental plan ever will.

A few years back, I tried to reinstate the childhood summer, but nobody bought into it. Everyone was too concerned with work and money and blah blah blah. So I spent most of the summer hanging out with myself...and while it was fun for the most part, it really didn't help with my lifetime loner status. I started to think that maybe the fifty-somethings were right. Maybe summer was never meant to be anything more than another lifelong bummer. A dry, hot death that leads to autumn...which is just the windy death preceding winter...and on and on and on. But then again, maybe the fifty-somethings are just a bunch of pricks that don't know any better. Maybe summers can still be epic. I honestly hope that if summer ever decides to come around this year (it is still raining as I write this) that I can do more than just sit on the internet after work, or spend money buying a bajillion more cds that I don't want to listen to. Maybe I can find some cool sticks, and write my name in the dirt outside my apartment...Josh was here '05...


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