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Location: chico, california

17 June 2005

the clearing up of hazy nights

I get hung up on the most simplistic of things. A pretty face, an interesting conversation, that one line in that one song...I am easily intoxicated. Quite often, the initial hook is strong enough to blind me from any hidden (or even glaring) faults. And consequently, I often wind up falling head first into whatever newly found excitement is before me. But blindness ain't forever. Eventually, friendships will turn sour and attraction will fall to frustration...even the bands that stole my heart only months earlier will sound stale and forgettable. But that is life. The ebb and flow, the ups and downs.

I don't know why I occupy myself with people and things that constantly bring me down. Maybe I am just a sucker for disappointment. Lately it seems as though getting bummed about stuff that isn't worth my time is my latest fashion trend...this week's 3 dollar t-shirt and 200 dollar pair of jeans. Perhaps I try to invest too much of myself in others...or maybe not enough (I am too dumb to know the difference). Maybe I should become more self-serving like the people I so easily fall for.

Gotta fake it to make it, I guess. turns out that the frustration of attraction isn't so bad after all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta have the sweet with the sour. Its almost tragic, sometimes I just wish we could talk for hours about nothing. Im almost sure this train wreck would have been put off if only john won the election. Thanks for trying to fix me.

9:40 PM  
Blogger joshua kerney said...

Marty: "What about the locomotive?"
Doc: "It'll be a spectacular wreck. Too bad no one will be around to see it."

6:51 PM  

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