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Location: chico, california

15 August 2005

i want a new drug, one that does what it should

Despite my love for modern medicine, I recently decided that it was finally time for me to stop taking the pain medication that I have been on since the accident. Although I am still bruised and disfigured, my body doesn't hurt as, I don't think that the Vicodin were really doing anything about my quasimodo status anyway.

The past week's clarity has brought about a rapid rise in both my intelligence and general demeanor (except for yesterday's lapse into bummerland...shhhh). My head is finally starting to clear up and I am at long last able to think clearly (for better or worse). The only real drawback is my inability to sleep. While I was on drugs, I was constantly asleep. Even when I was awake, I might as well have been sleeping...stumbling around like a slack-jawed zombie, searching out fresh brains to consume or whatever. But now its seems as though my body is making up for lost time by keeping me awake for what seems like days. Of course, I could use all this extra time to do something productive with myself...write some New York Times bestseller or something...but I would much rather just sit on the corner of my bed, engaging in long-distance longing, reading through letters and postcards from kids that I used to know...all the while hoping that the recently departed don't share the same fate.

Even when I do sleep, its not like its pleasant or anything. Most of my recent dreams are of head on collisions and monsters anyway. And I'll take insomnia over monsters any day.


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