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18 August 2005

read for read's sake

Yesterday, for the first time since I finished school, I sat down and read. And I don't mean reading for five minutes to pretend as though I'm not bored, or holding a book up to my face in the park to score points with intellectual girls. I mean actually reading for an extended period of time. I was afraid, because its been so long, that I might have forgotten how to read completely. But sure enough, after staring at the pages for only a few seconds, the letters began to form words, which in turn formed sentences, passages, ideas, stories, and the all important 'the end'. Of course, the only reason that I was able to read the 200-ish pages in one sitting is that the book is a children's book (kind of) and was making me nostalgic for those days when I would play Bastian in the hidden rooms of my parents' house, wasting away the days dreaming of rock chewers and luckdragons. Maybe someday I'll grow up and start reading books on insider trading, but for now...I'll stick with what I know.


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