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Location: chico, california

07 April 2006

i get so lonely, i could die

I am utterly alone.

However, the genius of it is that my game of hide and seek hide is fueled by choice (sort of). Yeah, I know that "by choice" is what all the real-life lonely dudes say, and that by saying it I am in all likelihood only hiding from the truth (horrible dresser with limited social skills and all that), but such is the nature of denial. In fact, I only bring up my loneliness because I am home on a Friday night, scouring the internet in hopes of finding a nerd who can
tell me how to beat the final boss in Kingdom, I really have nothing better to write about.

Sure, I could be out drinking with my newest internet stalker (better not tell your boyfriend), or trying to convince
the best songwriter of rightnowthisverysecond to make me a hit record. Or, if I was truly daring, I could move out to Idaho and then text message my internet girlfriend a thousand times a day.

But since the only thing that I fancy more than loneliness is extreme laziness, I'll be here in my room, growing fame.

ps...outside living is for suckers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

folks are lazy in idaho, you'd best find yourself a cellphone and some long distance longing gal to call( text) your own.

4:34 PM  

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