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Location: chico, california

29 September 2005

the state of the ruin

This morning, as I left for work, I neglected to put any cds in my car. Consequently, I was forced to listen to talk radio all day as I drove around (because fm is for pussies). My experience with am 650 taught me the following...

1) Ann Coulter's voice makes me want to Van Gogh my ears off.
2) I don't know if Tom Delay is guilty or not...but either way, he is still a jackass.
3) As far as I can tell, Jack Armstrong is probably dead. He has been replaced with a wild-eyed look-alike that only wants to talk about depression pills and the lack of sperm that live within his body.
4) Sean Hannity wants only two things out of life. The first is to make sure that every great American knows that he is a "great American." The second is to be Rush Limbaugh.
5) Speaking of which, Rush Limbaugh is still fat...and still a liar.
6) Michael Savage is obsessed with gays and is, in all likelihood, a closet homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with that).
7) Zell Miller needs to go away...seriously.
8) I can connect Bob Novak to the great Satan in four moves or less.
9) Bill O'Reilly likes to tell people to shut up. Over and over and over and...
10) George Bush is greatest president since...well, since that last dude.


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