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Location: chico, california

17 November 2006

faux news alert

24 hour news channels exhaust me. They are nothing more than a constant barrage of "the dude that invented the microwave is dead" or "cereal gives you ball cancer" or "50,000 people perish in a country you never knew existed". (yawn).

And the interweb is even worse. All I ever wanted was to be the kid who knew about stuff before you did. I used to scour the Earth (in 56k real time) searching out new bands and celebrity mugshots and whatever. But somehow, a bunch of robots learned how to
blog about things 2 days before they even happen. Sunk.

Therefore, since I am already resigned to a life of second-hand news, I have decided to take full advantage of my late-comer status. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...


-Princess Diana died in a car crash after having her picture taken by a bunch of dudes that thought she was pretty. Last week, in an interview from beyond the grave, she said, "Well, at least I didn't live long enough to get all wrinkly and icky."

-Some guy with a huge goiter made a movie about a 7 foot ape that pulls the arms off of Space Nazis. The flick made a trillion dollars and gave everybody lockjaw. Oh yeah, and there was also something in there about aliens that had to live with horrible diseases, such as fish-face and pussy lips.

-At some point during the summer of '93, a bunch of dudes threatened to throw me into a trash can. Had they done it, I would have probably summoned Falcor the Luck Dragon to whup their asses.

-William Howard Taft was a hideously fat man...much like Star Jones, but for white people. (Insert cliched joke about the previous statement and give yourself a high-five).

-Contrary to popular belief, Back To The Future is not a fictional movie from the 80's. It's actually a documentary about two closet homosexuals who travel through time trying to have sex with their relatives. Furthermore, Marty McFly is currently trapped in some sort of time-rift that makes him shake like a crazy person.

See people? The past is progress!

06 November 2006

further proof

that A) I used to be REALLY skinny and B) I used to stack crazy amounts of scene points.

and now i'm swingin' and here i go-o-o-o

Not since I first discovered that naked girls were only a modem away have I been this excited about the interweb. Why, you ask? Here's why, stupid. Ten years from now, when all the appeals are exhausted and Saddam is finally fed to the Sarlacc, some wet-nap nerd is gonna post the whole extravaganza on YouTube and I am going to watch it until my eyes fall out. Plus, by that time I will have probably figured out how to do super crazy computer things like make gifs., and I am going to turn Saddam's execution into an avatar for all the scenesters to use. Booyes!

ps...yes, I realize that lately I have resorted to making Trekkie and Star Wars jokes. Emo is over. Nerd is KING.